Meagan brings together inspiring, simple collections of tiny objects. Her work pays homage to the beauty of the world around us through her anthologies of nature. As a child she developed an appreciation of the small details in the natural environment and believes those things are still worthy of celebration.

Meagan grew up on a broad acre farm in the wheatbelt and now lives in Albany WA. She studied metal smithing at Curtin University and in her graduating year the university purchased several pieces for its private collection. Meagan worked as a jeweller before travelling and living in the UK and Europe. On her return she completed some post graduate study and taught for a few years before starting her business Cards With A View (1997) which became Semblance in 2018. Travelling widely promoting her business included trips to San Francisco and New York thanks to generous grants from Craft Australia. Her work is highly collectable and widely represented throughout Western Australia.

Petrichor Gallery
2. 'Drift'
Shells, sea glass, ceramic tile shard,
seaweed, opal & gemstones
67cm x 67cm
1. 'Dusk'
Shells, sea glass, ceramic tile shard,
seaweed, opal & gemstones
67cm x 67cm
4. 'Blue Sea Glass'
Shells, sea glass, ceramic tile shard,
seaweed, opal & gemstones
16.5cm x 16.5cm
3. 'Found'
Shells, sea glass, ceramic tile shard,
seaweed, opal & gemstones
67cm x 67cm
Petrichor Gallery | 8 Nockolds Street Walpole Western Australia 6398